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Coming into its own
Carbon trading (1)
Coming into its own
The price of carbon in the world’s biggest, most liquid market is soaring. Investors are starting to pay attention
As financial marketbecome cheerier about the pace of vaccinations and the chances of a speedy economic recovery, the prices of stocks, commodities and all sorts of assetsare rising. So too are carbon prices in Europe, home to the world’s largest emissions-trading system. Prices have surged by 60% since November; on February 12th they hit a record high of nearly €40 ($49) per tonne of carbon-dioxide equivalent (see chart).
Last year the value of global carbon marketshit a record €229bn, a five-fold increase from 2017. The eu’s emissions-trading system (ETS) accounts for nearly nine-tenths of both that value and that growth (China’s is just starting up; see next article). In 2020 around €1bn-worth of emissions allowances changed hands a day, as well as lots of options and futures contracts. There are now clear signs that the market is joining the financial mainstream, with hundreds of investment firms trading in it.
For a long time after it was launched in 2005, the ETSbarely functioned; a glut of allowances (which give the holder the right to emit an amount of greenhouse gases) kept prices close to zero. But after the European Commission sucked out excess permits in 2019, the market began to thrive.
It is an odd market. The commission auctions allowances nearly every day; it caps the overall supply of permits based on the EU’s politically determined emissions targets. Demand, meanwhile, comes from three types of participant. Power and heating utilities, such as Germany’s rwe and France’s Engie, have the most appetite. They buy allowances to cover the emissions from current projects or to hedge against future price increases. Next come industrial firms, such as ArcelorMittal, a steelmaker. Most of these receive free permits, so that the ETSdoes not encourage producers to move abroad.
The third, and growing, source of demand is financial firms, including banks, such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, and hedge funds, such as Lansdowne Partners and Northlander Advisors. These are not required to hold allowances; instead they hope to profit, either by trading on behalf of utilities or by speculating in the futures or options market.
第三类,金融企业,包括高盛和摩根斯坦利等银行,以及兰斯唐恩对冲基金( Lansdowne Partners 欧洲最大的股票对冲基金)和 Northlander Advisors(欧洲能源期货和期权对冲基金)等对冲基金,他们的需求不断增加。没有硬性规定要求金融企业持有配额,他们是期望通过代表公用事业单位进行交易,或者在期货或期权市场进行投机来获取利润。
The recent spike in prices reflects both supply and demand. A shift to a new platform delayed some auctions in January, meaning fewer allowances were sold. And on December 11th eu leaders agreed to speed up cuts to emissions, bringing them down by 55% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, rather than by 40%. That signalled a lower emissions cap, meaning eventually fewer permits and a higher price.
The expectation of higher carbon prices may have prompted industrial firms to start hedging their emissions early this year. That added to demand for allowances—as did unusually cold weather, which boosted the demand for heating (the ETSdoes not cover boilers in homes, but it includes large ones, such as those that heat many buildings). Speculators may have accelerated the price rise, by buoying futures prices. Around 230 investment funds hold futures linked to allowances, up from 140 in 2019. They account for only about 5% of the futures market, but it is a growing, bullish share. Long positions, or betsthat the price will rise, have doubled since November. Aje Singh Rihel of Refinitiv, a research firm, notes that this measure closely correlates with recent price changes.
由于碳价预期会上涨,工业企业可能会更早对冲今年的排放额度,这会进一步增加对配额的需求。今年异常寒冷的天气增加了对供暖的需求,从而提高碳排放额度(ETS不包括家用锅炉,但包括大型锅炉,比如为许多大楼供暖的锅炉)。投机者可能通过抬高期货的价格进一步加速提价。目前大概有230家投资基金持有与碳排放配额相关的期货,高于2019年的140只。他们只占了期货市场5%的份额,但是长势喜人。自从去年11月以来,多头头寸(即押注价格将上涨的头寸)已经翻了一番。研究公司Refinitiv的阿杰·辛格·瑞赫(Aje Singh Rihel)指出,这一指标与最近的价格变化密切相关。
One reason for investors’ enthusiasm is that carbon seems like a one-way bet. Many analysts expect that the eu’s 55% target will require the number of allowances to fall and prices to rise, perhaps towards €80 per tonne. That could be good news for investors. When in 2018 it became clear the commission was going to intervene to limit supply, allowances became the best-performing commodity of the year.
Buy and hold is not the only strategy. Casey Dwyer of Andurand Capital notes that carbon prices are largely uncorrelated with those of other assets, so some investors hold them to diversify their portfolios. They could also be used to hedge against inflation: a higher carbon price is generally accompanied by higher consumer prices.
买入并持有并非唯一策略。安杜兰资本(Andurand Capital)的凯西·德怀尔(Casey Dwyer)指出,碳价与其他资产的价格基本不相关,因此一些投资者们持有它们是为了分散投资组合。碳价也可以用作抵御通涨:碳价越高,通常消费价格也就越高。