关键词:期货市场、套期保值、功能AbstractIthasalready14yearsaftertheZhengzhougrainwholesalemarketpromotedthefuturesmechanisminOctober,1990.Thedevelopmenttimealthoughdoesnotlong,buttheexperiencesintheChinafuturesmarketdevelopingprocessthedifficulty,andisnotinferiortotheotherfuturesmarkets.Oneofthebasiceconomicalfunctionsoffuturesmarketistheriskshift,andtoachievethisgoalthemostcommonlyusedmethodishedging.Hedgingisthedrivingforceofthefuturesmarket,whichwasdecidingthefuturesmarketexistenceanddevelopment.Withouthedgingthefuturesmarketwilllosetheexistencesignificance.Throughhedgingwecanachievethegoalthatshiftpriceundulationrisk,thisisthereasonofpreciselythepromptsaleandthefuturesmarketatractsmoreproducersandoperators.Theon-handmerchandiseoperatorcarriesoninthefuturesmarkettohedging,canbeforehandtoownmanagementprofithaveabasicestimate,thereforethevaluetocontaininthefuturesmarketquotedpricetothe market rational analysis factor, only inthe rational analysis foundation, can make the decision-making which avoids to the risk,and is advantageous to the realization of price discovery function.Many domestic expert s believed that, to standard the futures market must havevigorously to cultivate hedging, enables the economical function of the futures marketto display well, first is encourage the enterprise to part icipate in hedging. It can be saidthat, the futures market was precisely caters to the enterprise to avoid the risk. Theguidance enterprise involves a futures market part icipation set hedging is one of futuresexchange's responsibilities. Hedging transaction the increase to be already advantageousto enterprise's production management, also is advantageous to the suppression thespeculating behavior in futures market. To develop hedging is the objective need ofsocialist market economy, is the essence requests of the development of Chinese futuresmarket. The futures market only has a full display hedging function, can produces themanagement for the market economy development and the enterprise to provide theef ective service. But, at present our country 's futures market still occupied theexperiment site stage, the market mechanism not yet improves, the stock speculatorcompelled the warehouse phenomenon repeatedly to have the occurrence, in the currentfutures market a set of time guaranteed the value to be insufficient, hedgers by farweakly to the speculator strength. Just like W· Grossman pointed out, ”In China, theloss which the value suf ers because has not carried on hedging, be much bigger thanthe loss which brings by accidental transaction defeat." China futures market'sfoundation is not jail, stability bad, transaction variety few, and cert ain exchangesupervising and managing not to be lax, forward price undulation unusual, the market is