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时间: 2025-03-03 | 作者: 佚名


The oil industry and the financial marketof China met its historical moment today. At 9 a.m on march 23rd , crudecontracts began trading on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange with asound of bell.

上市当日,中国原油期货迎来“开门红”, 9月交货的原油主力合约SC1809成交4.07万手、成交176.40亿元;开盘成交价格440元/桶,下午报收430元/桶。按收盘价可折合成68.51美元,比3月23日美国纽约商业交易所西德克萨斯轻质原油(WTI)9月交货的64.16美元/桶价格稍高,与伦敦洲际交易所布伦特原油9月交货的68.42美元/桶价格基本持平。世界原油期货舞台上发出响亮的“中国声音”。

On the first day of listing , China crudeoil futures contracts won a bullish note with 40.7 thousand lots traded whichequal to 17.64 billion yuan and the front-month September contract SCI1809reaching an opening price of 440 yuan per barrel, and closing at 430 yuan perbarrel. The closing price is about 64.16 us dollar per barrel, which isslightly higher than the 64.16 us dollar per barrel for the front-monthSeptember contract of West Texas Intermediate crude oil and basically the sameas front-month September contract of Brent oil`s 68.42 us dollar per barrel.The loud and clear Chinese voice can be heard on world crude oil stage from nowon.


One of the founders of financial futuresmade a speech at the launching ceremony, he said that the firstinternationalized futures in china is an important milestone of Chinese capitalmarket, embodying the role and status as the second largest economy of China.It is never an easy task to prepare for listing, but just as the Chinese philosopherLaoZi said, A thousand-mile journey is started by taking the first step , andthe listing of Chinese crude oil futures is the first critical step in the longmarch.

中国原油期货从酝酿到正式上线历经17年,旨在打造“反映中国及亚太市场供求关系的原油定价基准”。亚太地区自新世纪以来逐渐成为全球最大的石油消费市场,中国也在2017 成为全球最大原油进口国,但世界两大基准期货油价布伦特和WTI价格一直以来都是油价风向标,亚太地区却缺乏权威原油基准价格,“亚洲溢价”使我国进口原油每年要多支出约20亿美元。


It’s been 17 years since China's oilfutures started brewing to officially launched. China's oil futures is aimingat becoming a pricing benchmark that could reflect China and Asia-Pacific oilMarkets. It should be pointed out that Asia-Pacific region has been growinginto the world's largest oil consumer market and China has become the world’slargest crude oil importer in 2017. As we all know, Europe's ICE Brent futuresand U.S. WTI futures are the two main international benchmarks all the time,while there isn't an authoritative oil benchmark in this key oil import region.Thus China has to pay about 2 billion dollars more every year on crude oilimport because of the Asian Premium.

As the world’s largest crude oil importerand the second largest crude oil consumer, China launches oil futures islargely based on the needs of physical economy development and further reformand opening-up. The strongest traits of China’s oil futures are internationalplatform, net price trade, bonded delivery and yuan-denominated. This designwould help promote the use of the yuan in global trade and improve China’sinfluence in the global oil market.


“It is not an easy task to launch crude oil futures trading, we willrespect science, follow the rule of law, hold a global perspective, and supportinnovation. We have the confidence, determination and ability to build a crudeoil futures market with Chinese characteristics, and made due contributions tobetter protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and betterserve the high-quality development of the real economy, Chairman of the ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) Liu Shiyu said that.


The official launch of the crude-futures contract is benefit from thenational oil’s "price- security “model and the strategy of sustainabledevelopment. It will help to forge a price mechanism, which can reflect realsupply and demand of petroleum in Asia and pacific market, according to YanJiantao, who was the ex-chief oil and gas analyst of Goldman Sachs, and thevisiting professor of University of International Business and Economics(UIBE).


By the end of the first day’s tradesession, A total of 413 companies participated in the call auction, 261transactions got in deal. CUNOC (China National United Oil Corporation) wasincluded in the first companies to reach a deal in the “home field”.


The world's first oil futures successfully launched 40 years ago. Thefirst oil futures successfully launched by The New York Mercantile Exchange In1978. Till now, there are more than 10 Futures Exchanges, which have launchedoil futures.

↑ “聚焦中国原油期货上市”直播视频回顾(视频时间虽长,但全是干货,请在wifi条件下浏览)

问题来了,今天的这篇微信稿里,我们围绕原油期货说了这么多,那么,原油期货到底是什么?请看看一线石油人是如何回答的 ↓





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